The Chances of Assisted Reproductive techniques

It is worth trying than give up on all efforts that are around you. Infertility has its own puzzles and actually it’s a rough journey to handle.
IUI is one of the most commonly used technique and its success rate is 21%. In this method, the sperms after being prepared in the laboratory in the dish are injected into the woman’s uterus and if the normal work would take a century, this takes only a day. This method is used where the partner’s sperms are of poor quality, same-sex partners and infertility due to unknown causes or genetic reasons.
IVF is commonly used today since it can handle many problems. IVF is used where there are no fallopian tubes are they are damaged. In this type of treatment, ovaries are stimulated and hormones are injected into the woman. Sperms are also harvested on the day of the actual procedure and are joined to see if fertilization takes place. When it occurs, the embryo is returned to the womb for pregnancy
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), in this method a single sperm, is injected into the middle of the egg and this is done in the case of poor sperm quality. The eggs are monitored in the dish up to the time when fertilization occurs.
ICSI treatment in India is one of the best treatments that women are fonder of it and it also increases the chances of pregnancy. It should be noted that all the assisted techniques require more dedication since they are involved with tests and monitoring. Also with embryo freezing technique you can freeze your eggs and can use then later on when you want to gain pregnancy.