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Sofat Infertility Centre

Female Infertility

Can Woman With Tubes Blockage Go For The IVF Treatment?

Females’ infertility is quite common in 10 infertility cases 6 are due to females. Studies have shown that main cause of female fertility issues is ovulation and the blockage of fallopian tubes.

Damage or blockage of the fallopian tubes make women unable to conceive as the blockage of tubes prevent the ova to travel from the ovaries to the uterus. Blockage of the tubes surely raises the question in the mind of females like


Can I get pregnant with the blocked tubes?


Can IVF help me to conceive?


Before answering these questions it is important to understand what are the fallopian tube and how they get blocked?


What are fallopian tubes?


These tubes connect to the uterus at the junctions of utero- tubal at the opening end of fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. These are the thin tubes and lined with fine hair like cells called cilia. From the cilia these tubes extend out around the ovaries on the both sides of the female body.


How fallopian tubes get blocked?


In some cases these tubes get blocked due ti birth defects means the females have the blocked tubes since birth but remain oblivion about the fact until adulthood or try to conceive. But these birth defects are rare generally the women suffer from infertility due to blocked tubes caused by various other factors as follows


Common conditions for blockage tubes


  • Endometriosis

  • Due to pelvic Inflammatory Disease

  • Uterine fibroids

  • Past ectopic pregnancy

  • Removal of tubal ligation

  • Due to complications of lower abdominal surgery like Cesarean section

  • Genital Tuberculosis


Can IVF treatment in India be option for blocked tubes?


IVF is the lab procedure in which fertilization of egg happens in the cultured dish under the controlled conditions of the lab.

It is the safe and revolutionary procedure for infertile couple and it can also give successful results to the women with the problem of blocked tubes but if the procedure has been taken from the best IVF center in India


This procedure cannot repair or unblock the blocked tubes but it can bypass the tubal problem for successful conception.

Role of tubes is to pass the Ova from ovaries to the uterus and in this procedure eggs are retrieved and then missed with the sperm outside the body for fertilization. It means in IVF role of fallopian tube get finish as the resulted embryos are directly implanted in the uterus of the females.


Hence IVF is the hope for women with blocked tubes to get pregnant.


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